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020 07ElliottMitchell


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CCBA Education

Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events


Registration for the 2025 classes will begin in January

This Course will be open to currently active Primary and/or Associate CCBA members. This course will only be offered as an in-person course.

Each class will focus on what your bees should be doing at that time of year, and what management practices you need to then apply to help your bees survive and thrive. The 2024 Beginners Course is closed. Click on the Syllabus link below to get an idea of how the 2025 class will be structured.

The hive work will be held outdoors and the lecture/discussion indoor in semi-heated spaces. Dress appropriately and bring your own chair and bee suit.

Beginners’ Course Syllabus - 2024

Registrants & Fees:

Active members: $90.00

2025 Registration will open in January

🐝 October Colony Management 

1. Varroa control should be completed.
2. Finish winter feeding (if applicable).

3. Install mouse guards.

4. Wrap colonies.

5. Join Friday Night Bee Chat to learn more!

The Objectives of the Association

To assist members in the art and science of beekeeping, including sharing effective techniques, coping with problems, meeting challenges, and supporting each other in our efforts;  to educate members about and encourage compliance with laws pertaining to beekeeping, including inspection and suppression of contagious diseases among honey bees; to promulgate information to the public about beekeeping and the valuable role of honey bees in nature and agriculture; to encourage responsible beekeeping.

Monthly Meeting Location
Second Saturday of each month at 9am-11:00am
and on Zoom

Location: ChesLen Nature Preserve
1199 Cannery Road, Coatsville, PA
Also on Zoom. See events calendar for Zoom link

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Apprentice and Mentoring Programs

One of the best ways to learn how best to keep your bees alive is to work with someone who has done it over many seasons.  The CCBA has 2 programs that are available to help you achieve sustainability.

The Apprentice Program Registration for the 2025 season will open in December/January

**Requires CCBA membership before enrolling**

If you are a new beekeeper who is thinking about getting bees or who has not been able to overwinter a hive, the apprentice program maybe right for you.  You will be paired up with an experienced beekeeper (teacher) who you will work with at the teacher's apiary twice a month for an entire bee season.  Upon satisfactory completion of the program, the apprentice will get a CCBA nuc the following spring. The cost for this program is $120.

The Mentoring Program

If you are looking for some intermittent advice from an experienced beekeeper, the mentoring program maybe right for you. Have someone who will answer your questions or may stop out at your apiary to see what is going on. This program does not have a cost and there is no incentives from the CCBA for participation.

Walt Talunas is the lead of both the apprentice and the mentoring programs. If you are interested in being either an apprentice or teacher in the apprentice program or mentor or mentee in the mentoring program please contact Walt.

Questions? Contact: