2025 Beginners Course
The course is made up of classroom virtual/in-person training and hands-on lab sessions.
The classroom sessions will be held once a month from March thru October. The classroom sessions will be on the 2nd Tuesday from 7-9 pm at Historic Sugartown's Carriage Museum. A Zoom session will be available.
The hands-on labs will be held at the Historic Sugartown, Bondsville Mill Park, Cheslen, and Scouting Center apiaries. Labs will take place April through September. The cohort size will be limited to six people each. When you register, you will select one location for your lab component. Rain dates will be scheduled as needed. If enough demand exists, we will add additional sessions.
You must be a CCBA member and logged in to the website to sign-up or register for the course. To join the CCBA Member Signup / Information
2nd Sunday at Historic Sugartown @ 2-4pm Register
3rd Saturday at Bondsville Mill Park @ 10am-12pm Register
2nd Wednesday at Cheslan @ 5-7pm Register
4th Tuesday at Scout Center (PARC) @ 5-7pm Register
4th Saturday at TBD @ 5-7pm Register - 4th Sat
Costs: The training cost is $150 for the entire annual program plus a hivetool. There is not an option to buy a specific number of classes and there will be no refunds unless the class cannot be conducted.
Beginners Course Syllabus